How to get rid of warts

Warts are benign tumors caused by human papillomavirus infection. Today we are going to talk about how to get rid of warts in different ways, including at home and in medical care.

More than a hundred types of the virus have already been described, and there are no age or sexual barriers, so warts appear on the bodies of men and women. Let's look at the ways and means of infection.

Why warts appear

The cause of warts

The cause of wartsis ​​human papillomavirus infection. The most common route of infection is micro-damage to the skin, followed by the growth of the epidermis and the formation of warts. Growths are not painful, but from a psychological point of view, warts are an unpleasant phenomenon, because the formations on the face, fingers and other visible parts of the body spoil the appearance.

HPV infectionis ​​a human papillomavirus that infects both men and women. Some types of papillomavirus (16 and 18) stimulate the growth of cancer cells, which are divided into high-risk groups. Viruses in this group are sexually transmitted. Most viruses are 90% safe, and a strong immune system is able to fight infection. In this case, information about drugs and hardware to get rid of warts becomes irrelevant.

How is HPV transmitted?The mechanism of transmission of the virus is as follows - the infection enters the organs through mucous membranes, skin wounds, and then passes into the nerve tissue. Once infected, a person remains infected forever. Doctors associate changes in the condition of the epithelium with the state of the nervous system - emotional shock, stress and damage to the body. Many patients do not suspect that they are ill because the infection may “stop” and wait for favorable conditions to emerge.

The virus infects many patients, but not all have warts. There are risk factors:

  • Direct contact with an infected person - sexual intercourse, kissing, shaking hands;
  • contact with infected objects;
  • Mechanical damage to the epithelium;
  • Immunity is impaired.

How to avoid HPV?No precautions are taken. It is important to follow medical guidelines to reduce the risk of infection:

  • Avoid contact with infected people;
  • provide regular, full care;
  • Immunity protection.

In some countries, vaccines against the most dangerous human papillomavirus have been approved - 16 and 18. Today, this is the best way to get rid of warts and protect the body from infection.

What types of formations are available

According to statistics, 85% of the general population is infected with HPV, but 60% of patients do not know the problem because they do not feel any symptoms. If an infection occurs, the wart will appear after the incubation period.

Types of warts

Common (coarse) warts:

  • General information. 65% of warts are normal or obscene. They appear only in the body of a child of primary school age;
  • location of localization. Any site, but mostly on hand;
  • Shape and dimensions. It resembles a dome, ranging in size from 0. 5 ml to 1. 5 cm;
  • Structure and color. To the touch, they resemble hard, keratinized skin, and the surface is covered with villi.

To get rid of warts, the largest wart - the ovary - must be removed, and then the small formations will disappear by themselves.

Flat warts (or juveniles):

  • General information. They appear up to 25 years of age;
  • location of localization. Appears on the feet, hands and face;
  • Shape and dimensions. Papules up to 5 mm in diameter;
  • Structure and color. The surface is smooth or scaly, resembling fleshy knots.

Rare in the penis.

Vegetation and palm warts (horned warts):

  • General information. This type of growth is a type of normal wart, the sensitivity of which increases when it is pressed. In appearance, plants are no different from corn. Occurs frequently on the soles of the feet and palms;
  • location of localization. Foot and palm;
  • Shape and dimensions. Palm and plant warts - to form a round shape with a diameter not exceeding 1. 5 cm;
  • Structure and color. It is difficult to touch the devices, it is dark.

If you want to wear tight, synthetic shoes and do a lot of hard work, you have to find a way to get rid of warts.

Filiform warts (acrochords):

  • General information. If the plants are damaged, the formation becomes inflamed and increases in size;
  • location of localization. The structures affect the face, under the chest, and armpits;
  • Shape and dimensions. They are similar to a bunch of threads (5-6 pieces), the diameter of the wart is 1 to 3 cm;
  • The color of education.

Genital warts or condyloma:

  • General information. Warts can form on the bodies of adult patients and children and become large colonies;
  • location of localization. In children, they affect the nasolabial folds, in adults, the genitals, the areas under the breasts, and the armpits. In rare cases, it occurs in the throat after oral sex;
  • Shape and dimensions. Because of its unique shape, it is compared to a rooster's comb and cauliflower. Genital warts are small and cannot be visually diagnosed;
  • Color. If you rub a bright pink color, they will turn red and bleed.
Wart discharge

This type of wart can be infected, bleed, and cause discomfort during intercourse.

How to get rid of the problem

If you notice changes in your skin, do not rush to get rid of warts. Apparently, after a few months, the condition of the skin will return to normal. The main purpose of growth removal is to remove the scar tissue so that it does not form, so it is necessary to carefully choose the method of removal of the neoplasm. Genital warts are best treated under medical supervision.

Public funds

Essential oils.Treat the affected areas daily with a mixture of pine and lemon oils.

  1. Apply a mixture of patchouli and hyssop oils to the bactericidal stain and change the sticker daily.
  2. Eucalyptus and thyme tea oil are mixed in equal parts, the mixture is applied to the affected areas twice a day. Use chamomile, citrus or lavender essential oils to strengthen the immune system.

Medicinal herbs.Kalanchoe and aloe leaves help to get rid of warts at home. The procedure is as follows:

  1. To soften the formation, cover the affected area with a napkin moistened with baking soda for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Then the leaves of the medicinal plant are used, cleaned and wrapped in cellulose. The procedure lasts from 3 to 7 hours, the full course is 7-10 sessions.

Warts.The most popular way to fight formations is because the plant has a strong antibacterial effect.

  1. Affected areas are treated with celandine juice twice a day.
  2. The minimum course is two weeks, and large-scale epithelial damage can last up to two months.
  3. If you can't find the plant, you can buy a celandine-based pharmaceutical.

conspiracy.Another way to get rid of warts. For the ceremony, you will need a 30 cm long red thread made of a natural material, such as cotton.

  1. When a young moon appears in the sky, go outside, touch the string to the plants, and tie a knot in each of them.
  2. Say the text while tying the string: "Moon, Young Moon, take this disease with you. "
  3. The thread is then buried in the ground.

Skin diseases are a symptom of pathological internal processes, so do not limit yourself to folk recipes, just go to the doctor, find out the cause of the disease and treat warts.

pharmacy products

Wart removal drugs are sold over-the-counter in pharmacies, it is difficult to choose the best remedy, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The choice of the most effective drugs is left to the doctor. According to the method of action, pharmaceutical products are divided into three groups:

  • for cryotherapy;
  • necrotizing action;
  • Keratolics;

If necessary, the course of therapy is supplemented with antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.

Laser destruction

Doctors in many countries recommend this method to get rid of warts, which is considered the most effective:

  • outer foot masses;
  • Common wart;
  • Flat tumors.

The doctor should inform the patient about all contraindications.

Laser effect:

  • The laser light does not leave scars and does not cause an inflammatory reaction;
  • Pathogenic microflora is destroyed in the area affected by high temperatures;
  • There is no contact with the skin during the procedure, which eliminates the possibility of further damage to the skin;
  • The specialist controls the parameters of the laser beam - the power and the degree of impact, so the patient does not feel any discomfort, no problems;
  • Within 2 weeks, the skin is completely restored - a dry crust is formed, after 10-14 days it disappears on its own, under which a young, healthy epithelium appears.

Don't peel off the dark skin, don't go to the solarium or the pool, use disinfectants.

liquid nitrogen removal

Another popular way to remove warts. For the procedure, a wooden stick with a soft cotton swab or a special cryo-applicator is used - a tube with a container containing the active substance. At the first visit to the specialist, the possible contraindications are determined. The safest method of cauterization of warts is selected:

Removal with liquid nitrogen
  • Soft - activates local immunity;
  • Aggressive - foam forms under the skin, which is cut by hardware, along with the neoplasm.

Procedure Features:

  1. Pathogenic cells die under the influence of low temperatures (-196 degrees), resulting in inflammation of the skin and activation of immune processes.
  2. The applicator is applied vigorously to the skin for 40-60 seconds, during which time the substance evaporates.
  3. To get rid of warts, a specialist holds more than 1 ml of growth on the surface of the skin.
  4. After the procedure, the neoplasm turns white and a bubble forms, which after 2-3 days turns into a crust and disappears on its own.

Complete removal of growth with the help of cryotherapy is carried out with a break of 2-3 weeks.

Removal by electrocoagulation

This powerful technique cleanses the skin in all parts of the body, except the heel. The procedure is performed with the help of an electrocoagulator. Removal of neoplasms occurs when high-frequency currents touch the affected areas.

Procedure Features:

  • You can clean your skin in one session;
  • The duration of the procedure is up to one minute;
  • Anesthetic should be used;
  • There is an increase in blood vessels, which prevents bleeding;
  • Recovery period - 10 days;
  • After the procedure, the affected area is treated with antiseptic drugs;
  • No scars left.

The main advantage of electric vehicles is the prevention of new wounds. In some cases, the patient feels itching and burning, but the discomfort quickly disappears.

Wart Prevention

Because epithelial damage is not a symptom. If you act only as a result, there is a high risk of recurrence, so in an emergency you need to strengthen the immune system so that the body can resist infection. Now you know how to get rid of warts on different parts of the body and cleanse the skin once and for all.